Friday, August 12, 2011

Would Miraculous Push Up Bra work on a flat chested person? 10 pts?

From VS? It'd probably work--I am a 34B, and I have the white leopard print rhinestone one--it makes my boobs look huge!! It's a very comfortable bra, regardless--couldn't hurt to try one one!! :)

35 Weeks pregnant and menstral like cramps?

Ok so I am 35 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Baby dropped head down at 32 weeks into pelvis. For the past 3 days i have been experiencing mild menstral like cramps along with braxton hicks. I know there is no problem with my baby girl as she is moving all the time and getting hiccups often lol. She is already almost 6 and a half pounds. Sometimes the cramps can be a painful, sometimes they seem to go for an hour or two and sometimes i will get them quite regularly. Could this be a sign of labour? What are the chances i will make it till 40 weeks?

Confused about my ex boyfriend behaviour could u help explain?

He's regretting that he didn't make the most of being with you. He might not be happy in his current relationship, and looking to get back with you just as a sense of security. If your happy in your current relationship, then tell him that. The fact that he's writing things on your wall which everyone can see just indicates that he is not thinking of you, and how his actions may affect you. Obviously the final decision is up to you, but i wouldn't advise getting back together with him. Hope this helps. And good luck.

Are there Korean language intensive courses for students below high school level?

You want to go to Korea, or stay in the US? I go to UGA and they have a very good Korean program that teaches from the very beginning (Korean Alphabet) to Korea Literature class. You'd want to look at places like Chicago, California or us (Georgia. I know, lol!) and see if they offer Korean classes for students.

What is the Military meaning of do not anticipate my command?

I was just reminiscing of Military reform School that I went to years ago. I was just thinking what the hell did my Sargent mean when he said do not anticipate my command. Can anyone help

40 weeks and having sharp pains!! plz help?!?

I'm 40 weeks pregnant and the last hour or so have been having sharp pains. They aren't anything like braxton hicks but my stomach gets rock hard with them. I'm told actual contractions feel like menstrual cramps but luckily for me I've never experienced cramping. I'm so confused and am getting frustrated. Help??

Why can't a black person ever be nice to whites without being accused of "self-hate"?

You said it your self bother it's a double standard this is a good question, though I've never heard of the st patricks day thing

How is it possibly to lust after a man who broke my heart and put little value on my self worth.?

I will never go back to the man who mentally, verbally, and emotionally put me through the worse four years of my life. He was an adult 30+ year old alcoholic pot head who lived with his parents. I am worthy of someone better, this is why I walked away. I know this! Oddly I have been having strange emotions/feelings lately. Which leads me to these questions. Why do I reminisce about our sexual and physical encounters and jealous of the thought of other women receiving that pleasure? Any input or suggestions on how to get rid of these emotions are greatly appreciated.

Can someone help me? i need advice?

im in love with my best friend and i understand and respect that she doesn't feel the same idc as long as she's my friend. Right now were not allowed to talk becuz of her parents becuz of my issues in the past. i used to yell at my friend and made her cry becuz of my jealousy and now it's been 5 months and i had near-death attempts of suicide cuz i just wanted the pain to end cuz i can never forgive myself for what i did to her and she has forgiven me but i can't forgive myself. i hated and cried seeing the pain in her eyes everytime and i still do when i accidently reminisce. i let my anger get to me. she never deserved it andi'm not attention whore i just don't want to lose the close friendship that we've had i mean we used to cuddle on the bus and hug each other everyday. im gonna get to apologize it's just im nervous about doing it cuz i scared her parents as well when they found out about my almost death but an ex friend mentioned it to them and i never wanted that. I'm better than i used to be as in im mor in control with my anger. i just need some advice.

Help with my betta fish?

Well, read the directions on the box. And if you feel it's not safe for your fish just pour some bottles of purified drinking water in his bowl and it'll be fine. :) By the way, I love betta fish! i owned like 20 in my whole life xD

Real or fake labor?? I can't tell :/?

I know it's silly to be asking this question :p but i really cant tell. I'm 39 weeks due in 4 days!.. 1+cm and 80% effaced. I had my membranes stripped yesterday. Now i'm experiencing contractions with period like cramps in my lower back I'm trying to time them but i'm not doing a very good job lol. & i'm so used to braxton hicks I cant tell if im in labor or not...

How much is my signed CD of Taylor Hicks worth?

So, I met Taylor Hicks after seeing him in Broadway's Hairspray. After the show, I bought his CD and had him sign it and got a picture with him. I'm good with the picture of it. But I don't really like his music enough, and since it's signed, it's never some out of the case, which is also signed. So, now I'm wondering how much it's worth, but nothing on the internet has helped with that. Any answers?

Raspberry leaf tea when did you start taking it?

that's sooo strange...I've heard rumours about raspberry leaf tea working to induce labour....but was told that it doesnt necessarily induce labour or contractions, that it just "strengthens" your uterus and makes labour and contractions easier :) But maybe I've heard wrong. EIther way I started drinking it around 32 weeks and it's done nothing favorable to get me into'm now 40+5 days prego and want this baby out :)

Do anybody know any good penpal websites for 13 and up?

im just looking for anyone of a different race just to learn about different cultures so i wont have to take a cultural class at my school next year for the girls and yes i am black so if anyone know any good websites that gives you a penpal within the u.s. please answer and only serious answers please

How would you feel about going nude in front of your parents?

I have a Finnish friend who goes to the sauna nude with her dad. I'm like WTF. And she told me if she forgets to bring a towel to the bathroom she can just go out naked like no one's home. Yea, I understand it's normal for her culture, but wtf right?

What do you think of my short story so far?

holyy crap this is amazing. your adjective use is amazing. don't overuse it though, you don't wanna run out, like really. email me if you ever write more of it.


She sat there silently looking amongst the others in their large white suits that draping down to their ankles disguising their true figure and identity. Their hands wore long white gloves that protected them from anything they may have touched. Their faces concealed only revealing their eyes from behind the large silver protective mask that allowed them to breathe. Their masks were connected to large silver tanks of oxygen that where on the backs of everyone on the bus, without it they wouldn’t be alive. She closed her eyes and reminisced of the days where she lay on the grass and inhaled the rich scent around her, alluring and almost overwhelming. The warm light of the sun touching her face and warming her all over, the grass tickle her bare feet like a feather. She would see bushes of wildflowers sitting at the feet of healthy green trees while fluttering insects darted between the colorful flowers. The bus came to a halt interrupting the thoughts she had been lost in, shaking her like a leaf. She dared herself to open her eyes and let the memory fade, she sighed pulled herself up and stepped outside. Looking into the sky a million shades of red mixed into a toxic potion, blood red, metallic and bold. The sky was painfully dark; like the sun had closed its eyes. Even with the mask on the smell of burnt plastic still lingered in the air and it made her feel nauseous. On this particular day rain was pouring down from thick clouds with a violent howling wind that blew hard against her and she staggered to keep her balance. Her suit was now blood soaked, instead of clear rain drops; sore red ones soaked it, as if the sky was bleeding.

Do I have a good chance at getting into NYU or Columbia?

You need AP if you want to get into NYU or Columbia. I'm going into my junior year and I'm taking AP statistics and AP Literature, as well as classes at the community college so I can earn my A.A degree by the time I graduate. I have a 4.0 and i want to major in Microbiology. And I'm still hoping I get accepted into good state schools (UF because I live in Florida and I'm shooting for Bright Futures Scholarship). If I were you, I would take much harder classes (AP) and dual enroll if your state does that if you want to even consider Columbia or NYU for Biochem.

Women who have already given birth...?

i dont know how to describe it but when im getting dressed or i lift my leg up or i strain my legs or something, my vagina hurts. it feels like its inside not necessarily my vagina... can you feel when your dilating or effacing? i have been really nauseous for the past few days, and last night about an hour before bed i started getting contractions, but they were still irregular and kind of a mixture between braxton hicks and regular contractions. is labor on its way? please tell me yes!!!

I want to move on, please help me.?

delete all of her pictures and try to relax :) don't listen to depressing music cos it will really make u sad. Make yourself busy and try to mingle with people. Talk to a close friend and tell him/her about ur feelings. Let it all out! Just a tip, this worked out for me, whenever I miss my ex, i always try to tell myself that he's not or he's never gonna think of me, so why should I miss him? And i don't want you to feel sad about this, but if someone loves you he/she will never hurt you. So good luck! I hope u can move on :)

I'm an atheist. Which God should I worship?

I'm thinking Thor or Zues, but then again Amun seems pretty powerful. I don't want to make a choice based on culture and place of origin... so it's a dilemma. These days all the hipster kids seem to be into the FSM, but I don't know, I don't want to be a sheep, following trends and conforming to popular fads. What other atheistic Gods/Goddesses can I worship?

My Mom Thinks She's Young?!?!?!?!?!?

Say, "mom your beautiful. But you don't need to dress like a teenager to be beautiful. You would look so much younger and fantastic if you would try some of this type of clothing ( show her a website or magazine ). I feel like if you dressed more like this, you would be so much more young looking. I love you and I just want you to look your best and if you love me, you'll try this look." prob solved.

Help with my betta fish?

Well, read the directions on the box. And if you feel it's not safe for your fish just pour some bottles of purified drinking water in his bowl and it'll be fine. :) By the way, I love betta fish! i owned like 20 in my whole life xD

Y&R ........Will Sharon make it back?

to see Diane at the ranch with Adam before Maura West leaves the show? seems like today Adam was reminiscing about Sharon to remind the viewers he still cared? she needs to kick him off the ranch and let Sam move in and tend to Victors horse's.

Do you know what movie this?

I watched this movie awhile back but I can't remember the name. It was about a guy who owned a record store and her was reminiscing about his ex-girl friends, and one in particular he kept on taking about. I know, that's vague, but that's all I can remember. Please help!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Should extended metaphors be relevant and justifiable?

As a writer I feel uncomfortable using extended metaphors that are not thematically/topically linked with what I am writing about. Heaney, for example, justified his use of Greek mythological metaphors by arguing a parallel between Greek and Irish culture. Should extended metaphors be used only when strictly relevant to the subject matter?

I am 35 weeks pregnant and having a lot of lower back pain that comes and goes. is this normal?

I just went to the doctor yesterdae and I wasn't dilated but she said I was thinning out and I have also starting losing my mucus plug and have been having braxton hicks contractions. I just don't want to call the doctor if its normal.

I have a serious problem?

I don't know if this is a really serious psychological problem or if it's just my imagination, but, it feels like I was born as the wrong person; the person I am and the people around me are ignorant, I don't mean to sound big headed but I always feel like I'm more intelligent than everyone, I get the best grades at school, I have never revised in my life. My psychological problem lies in that of my music; everytime I listen to a song, I long to be free, but I am caved in to this little city, I live in London, but I so long to be out in the orchards by myself, just smoking a joint and relaxing, just taking in nature. I was born to be with nature. I listen to pink Floyd's "Learning to fly" and I am angry that I cannot learn to fly, I am caved into my own little world and NOBODY understands me, I listen to the clash's "Lost in the supermarket" and I long to be lost in a forest, in nature, and never be found. This is unachievable for I am caved in a small city where nobody knows what life is. Nobody understands what life is, I don't know if this is some deep psychological problem of mine; I just long to be away from everything, I hate everything; I don't wish to live like this. I want to be out in the wild, alone, left to just survive. I want to just be born 40 years ago, and I'm so angry I was not alive to see Kurt Cobain and Layne Staley and Syd Barrett and every great musician and every great legend. I am filled with rage when I my concious tells me I am nobody and that's what I am, that's who I am. I am a nobody, I often reminisce with songs from the smiths, because their darkness often portrays my life. I want to be free, but I cannot break this chain. My parents do not understand me, I do not want to work, I do not want to be a mindless puppet, I just want out of this. How come I wasn't born as that musicians son in '69 but I am a lonely 15 year old which nobody understands. This is not a phase, this is my life. This is how it's always been, can somebody please tell me what to do? Can you tell me if this is a deep psychological problem or if I can actually piece together who I am..?

What do you think of my poem or rap or whatever I wrote?

this is a good express your feelings in beautiful words.i like it very much.thanks for this nice poem.

Am I going into labor?

I'm a few days from my due date. I've been one of those women who has dealt with prodromal labor for the last 4 weeks. Mostly the contractions that I have felt have been like painful braxton hicks. I woke up early this morning feeling cramping from my back around to the front of my belly. They were 7 mins a part for about 2 hours and for the most part HURT to the point I couldn't talk. I was somehow able to go back to sleep. I've just woken up and my body feels crazy. I feel like something has definitely changed in there. Loads of pressure and just an uneasiness.... I lost a little of my mucus plug a few weeks back. My Dr. is old school and doesn't check me, but when I went to the hospital about 2+ weeks ago thinking I was in labor, the nurse said I was 1.5 cm and 50% effaced. She also said the baby was at -2 station...but I think the baby moves a lot. He/She certainly feels VERY low right now. This is my second baby, by the way. I never had any this with my first. She was a week late with no signs of labor at all. I was induced. So what is going on with my body! I'm so confused between false and real labor. I know that if it's real labor then the contractions are consistant. I just can't get over how painful these last ones were and how they can just stop themselves. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated! Thanks!

How accurate is my German?

The good news: I was able to understand perfectly what you were saying without having to read the English text at all. However there are a LOT of mistakes, both large and small, which Insel has addressed already, and I'd like to add that you should consider carefully whether "haben" is always the best verb for what you're saying. And while there are word order issues throughout, the last sentence in particular needs a complete re-work.

I am a butcher, but I just became a vegan?

I just learned of the all the tortures animals go through (my boss told me that meant was grown in a lab from cultures. I am stupid, I know.) iI just became a vegan, but I do not want to quit my job since I do not have an education, and I can't find another job where I live. I have a family to support as well. Help?

What does it mean when someone calls you a hick? lol?

Soo.. I like this guy.. and he was with one of his friends. Hes really nice.. and yea :) ... we were talking and he goes "i told my friend about you and he thinks we should go out cuz i told him your a hick. aparently we're perfect for each other" i said " well maybe haha" then hes like "haha hey you know were the same age its perfect" .....soo anyways.. i dont get the hick part. lolzz... and any advice on the dating part?? :)

How to survive from a breakup :(?

Im so sorry to hear this but lighten up my brother!! Always think positive, Sometimes the best things in a relationship is to just let go. Heartbreaks are very painful but it doesn't last forever buddy. Well what are you gonna do? Just live your life and as long you know that you've done something so bad it'll be lesson that you won't do this again to survive in another relationship goodluck buddy~

38 weeks will be induced on the 29th if baby hasnt already come this week!! help !!!?

i know walk walk walk , and sex is great to help water break !! my cervics are opening up and im dialated one centemeter! im losing my mucus plugg now what ! how much longer do i got to go oh im having braxton hicks none stop !! now any other ideal as to what i can do to help my water break doc says if it works try it ! i will not drink nasty stuff or do anything that will harm me or the baby !!

Can I stop being so angry with my husband?

Id say counseling and if you dont want to do that it doesnt seem he can at all be trusted and before you get further id go for a divorce...

Should we adopt western culture?

as we see western culture is being a part of our life... so should we adopt western culture or not?????? wht r ur views regarding this?????

Help me with my thesis statement please?

Nick Carraway loses his innocence as he sees the corruption and becomes corrupted in The Great Gatsby.

Constant/continuous Braxton Hicks?

It is Sunday night at 10:30, on Tuesday I will be 37 weeks pregnant. I have had this happen before.. but it's pretty strong now. I have had like.. one constant braxton hicks contraction for a couple of hours now. My belly is sooo tight and it isn't letting up even for a second. I have had it last for two hours before and then go away, but never quite this tight. It does not hurt, is just very uncomfortable. I tried standing... laying on my side... and I just drank a lot of water. This is not dangerous is it? Any tips?

What is the likely hood of me going into labor sometime this week?

Today i turned 37 weeks and about a week ago i was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced, haven't been checked since. I have been having some cramping on and off, braxton hicks has become more frequent and stronger, been having to poop a lot (sorry to much info), baby has dropped a bit, lost my mucus plug a few weeks ago gradually, and had a bloody show about a week ago. Also been having some pelvic pressure and sometimes it feels like my tailbone is bruised and hurts to walk at times. I have been feeling very exhausted like i haven't slept in days even though i have been getting a lot of sleep. I also been having sharp stabbing pains in my cervix area as well as pressure. How likely do you think i will go into labor sometime this week or weekend? this is my 2nd baby. Thanks for your input!

Did anyone go to Christa McAuliffe Elementary school in the '90s?

I have been reminiscing about my elementary days and i remember that we used to sing a song every friday at assemblies (In Southern California) . I can't remember the song, i was hoping someone knows! I searched online and i can't find it. It's not really important, but it's going to bug me until i find out!

I keep thinking about the past?

I'm 15 y/o girl. I don't know why I tend to think alot about the past, happy or sad. Just 2 months ago I was the pitcher of my softball team. I played well in the first game and was very happy about it. Then on the third and second game, I did quite a lot of mistakes. I have this guilt in me, I felt as if I was responsible for the loss of my team. Reminisce a lot about the happy times of training and I remember the times I had with my Captain. I just look up to her a lot and feel sad for letting her down. She told me when she picked me as the pitcher , "Hey, you are the pitcher now. Don't let me down." I remembered the part she screamed " ARE YOU AWAKE NOW?!?!" to all of us. I cried secretly. We came in second... It's just still disappointing to me, while my other team mates are OVER the whole thing.

I'm writing a book for kids, what should I write about?

Animals are always a hit as far as characters are concerned. Try to create stories that teach a moral or valuable life lesson. Themes could be: tolerance of diversity, growing up in a one parent household, honesty, compassion, stranger danger. The possibilities are endless really.

Can labour start and then stop?

It could be BH or maybe your labour has stalled, call your hospital or doc and ask if they think you need to come in. I wouldn't go in, but I might call. You need baby to bake a bit longer in there, anyway, unless he/she really wants to come out.

Are there any other songs like Baz luhrman - Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen?

I really like this kind of reminiscing song but it's upbeat too so do you know any like it or any suggestions please?

What can I become with my major?-language and culture of asia?

So I am a junior in college who is majoring in language and culture of asia, but the problem is that I do not know what I can become with this major. I have looked things up but unfortunately I am not successful at finding career possibilities with this major. If anyone know's what I can become with this major, please tell me. I didn't know what I wanted to be, so this major was suggested to me by friends and family. All advice and help are gratefully appreciated.

Dose this Korean boy like me?

from what i know, when a guy ask a girl to call him oppa means he want to be closer to the girl and hopefully they can be bf/gf.. usually if u are not close to someone, u dont really call them oppa or unnie because they might be uncomfortable with that.. the fact that he asked u to call him oppa first, it shows that he is interested in you or like you. but in korea, there are those who call oppa but are not in a relationship, just that they are close

I'm addicted to abuse...?

I don't know whats wrong with me but I am putting myself through hell and I don't know why I keep doing it to myself. I was with a guy for a year and he has said and did the most horrible things to me and I keep going back to him. I lost my virginity to him and I'm thinking thats why but he calls me a whore,hick,*****,kill myself,wishes death on my family,says he'd spit in my face,loser,he hates me im a retard and sends me picks of him ******* girls. I think something is wrong w me but I still love him and I'm scared cause he has all these girls who wanna be his girlfriend and some of them are my ex friends. Help me please.

What about tradition, culture, family, religion, education, or some combination?

What about them? Your question is more statement than query. In other words narrow your word salad down a tad. Otherwise you are going to end up writing a short unpublished novel instead of a blog entry.

Why is my ladyfriend like this with me!?

Just ask her .. If you assume too long you might miss out..It sounds as if she is feeling you out. though I would just advice to just ask her how she feel about you friend or something more

35 weeks pregnant. Braxton hicks, pressure, fetal movement?

I am 35 weeks pregnant with #2 and for the past 2 weeks I have had nonstop braxton hicks, decreased fetal movement, pressure on my vagina and in my butt...I've been to the hospital 3 times (My OB sent me) to get monitored. They didn't check me to see if I was dialated or anything. They just hooked me up to see if I was having contractions and they got a couple but they said they weren't too close together. But now I get them whenever I walk, I have a horrible pain in the top of my stomach that just started a few days ago (haven't mentioned it to my doc yet because she's just going to send me in to get monitored and I am a stay at home mom currently so I kind of can't get to the hospital right away) but anyway, the pain in the top of my stomach is very painful whenever I am standing or walking. Doesn't matter for how long, just as soon as I stand up it hurts. It hurts to pull my shirts down if they start to come up because it rubs on that spot. But it's not the skin, it hurts on the inside. And I have been feeling more pressure on my vagina and butt and just like tons of pressure on my cervix. The baby has dropped so I know that could contribute to the pressure. But I am SO uncomfortable with all the different pains I've been having. Also whenever I feel the contractions they are about a 7 or 8 on the pain scale for the cramping feeling but they're about a 10 on the pain scale with the pain that goes through my back when I get them. The end of my first pregnancy was no where near like this. I know every pregnancy is different but is this normal?? I feel like all this stuff going on should be enough to just induce me but I don't know if that's just me being tired of pregnancy lol. I was induced a week early with #1 because of major decreased fetal movement. Any advice to relieve any of this or if I could just give in and call my doctor again would be awesome. Thank you!

Does no contractions at 37 1/2 weeks mean a late delivery?

I'm 37 1/2 weeks pregnant and besides one or two braxton hicks contractions (completely pain free) over the last week or two I haven't had any contractions. It's been a very easy pregnancy, no morning sickness, no swelling, very little weight gain (it looks like a bball under my shirt!), etc. so I'm wondering if that is a factor. I also don't know if I've dropped yet, it feels like it because I can feel him lower and I can tell a difference in my belly, but people are always commenting that I haven't dropped yet and they say that's usually 3-4 weeks before delivery. I'm due July 14, only 2 1/2 weeks away, but does all this mean I'm probably going to deliver late? I'm just curious

I have to write a story targeted a teens do you like this so far? is it appropriate?

I think it's appropriate and I really like it, well done :) It's very emotive and imaginative, and it's well written. However, just a personal opinion. I don't think the opening line "I remember it quite vividly" really captures the readers attention. It doesn't give me the impression that she can actually remember what happened. Could you possibly use a different word instead of "quite", or maybe skip the word "quite" altogether, such as "I remember it vividly; rising levels of water crushing my fragile body..." It's only a minor suggestion though.

Could i go into labor tonight or tomorrow?

i am almost 39 weeks and yesterday and today i had loose bm and braxton hicks mixed with what feel like reg. contractions (those i have been getting for a few weeks now) and today i had the bm again along with the contractions (a mix of both but mostly what feel like reg. contractions) and i had vomited, i am already dialted to a 2 so how soon can i expect to go into labor please help thanks :)

No passion for life anymore?

Move to Africa or india where you survive by eating human excrement and working 14 hours a day for nothing, that will revive your passion for life again. Thanks, Im glad you liked my suggestion and care.

Critique my essay on my experiences with bullying?

If this is all your own experience i find it extremely touching.I too have red hair and was also teased about it but never as harsh and deep as you were. This essay is brilliant and i love how it is true. I think that you are a very good writer and can you tell me whether or not they post it

Do you think Satan created R&B to destroy the black community?

I prayed that God would turn back time and prevent R&B from ever existing.I hate Beyonce and all these singers and R&B was considered the "devils music" when my grandpa was in church growing up.Drugs and poverty and all the problems were caused by R&B but why are we Blacks allowing the devil to take over a beautiful culture that we had.Teenage black girls are getting pregnant and having sex because they see booty shaking videos but why isn't God helping cause I believe in him?Also to destroy music in general cause Lady gaga and all them crackas sing is R&B.R&B is ruining rap cause it seems that rappers are told to make their songs R&B influence like cause its too mainstream.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is she in a rebound relationship?

Basically me and my ex where really in love like always seeing each other and all that for 2 years then she suddenly lost her feelings for me and asked for a break I failed at that and kept talking (bad idea!) then she ended it a week later. So after the break up I was still trying to get her back and it only made things worse I would argue with her (first proper argument we ever had over the 2 years) then I decided I didn't want to see or talk to her to help me heal so I deleted her from facebook and what not and we didn't talk for a month. Now we have remade contact 2 monthsish after the break up and she has found a new man and have been together for nearly 3 weeks now and she has already had sex with him - when she dated me she was a virgin and VERY innocent and insecure with her body and being sexual. So she is now always round his house and pretty much acting like she was when she was with me. She still calls me by the nickname she gave me and sometimes reminisces about memories from the relationship. So basically is she in a rebound? and how could I use this to win her back? thanks x

I can't let go of my ex even though he's abusive...?

I don't know whats wrong with me but I am putting myself through hell and I don't know why I keep doing it to myself. I was with a guy for a year and he has said and did the most horrible things to me and I keep going back to him. I lost my virginity to him and I'm thinking thats why but he calls me a whore,hick,*****,kill myself,wishes death on my family,says he'd spit in my face,loser,he hates me im a retard and sends me picks of him ******* girls. I think something is wrong w me but I still love him and I'm scared cause he has all these girls who wanna be his girlfriend and some of them are my ex friends and I think im scared to see him with someone else. And since we have broken up i kissed a couple guys on my vaca and he always has a way of making me think he doesnt do things and i feel guility to tell him and when i do then he says hes gunna go **** my friends Help me please.

Is having braxton hicks contractions normal at 19 weeks pregnant?

im 19 weeks tomorrow and i been getting this really bad braxton hicks off and on is that normal at 19 weeks

Should i travel at this stage of pregnancy?

I'm 38 weeks now so being the baby is full term my doctor said I could pretty much have him any day now. My hospital is already 40 minutes away from my house and I'm wondering if I should chance a trip to my parents house 6 hours away for 4 days this weekend. I'm scared if I go down there and go into labor ill be stuck down there and be in a hospital with doctors I don't know and all that stuff. I've been having braxton hicks (what doctor said) so that makes me even more nervous. Have any first time moms gone into labor in their 38 or 39th week? How likely would it be or is it just a chance thing to go into labor now? Thanks!

Labour? soon, now or just hoping lol?

hi all just a quick question regarding some goings on over the last few days, im currently 37w 4d preg and have been experiencing some pretty nasty goings on when using the loo, basically everything i have ate throughout the day has gone straight through me and been very watery TMI, the last week bowel movements have been looser but not to this extent, i have had tummy cramping on and off for the past few weeks which i was informed was braxton hicks, and last night had some pinky blood a few times when i wiped (again TMI) i went into hosp last night due to right sided abdo pain (which they couldn't decide what it was so sent me home) and after having an internal exam i was informed that my cervix has gone, 2 Dr's and a lot of moving and uncomfortableness for a good 15 Min's of looking, anyways im now getting lower abdo cramps again with stabbing like sensations coming and going, the hosp im going to isnt very friendly if u ring more than once ur whole pregnancy (which has been the case with all hosp roind here as of late) so i dont want to ring if nothing is wrong, any ideas anyone?

Why is my brother so critical of everything I do?

Though some criticism is legit, other times I get criticized for stupid trivial stuff like the movies and shows I watch or the video games I play. Supposedly I'm nerdy for watching the star wars movie and I'm childish for going back to reminisce and watch a few of dragonballz. I don't get it sometimes. Seems like I everything I do, I'm open for being criticized for and it seems kind of lame to me.

Does anyone know this really old song?

Nope, and I've been looking for it for almost ten years! I thought the lyrics were different. Like "Do you remember, our first kiss? Sometimes it feels good just to reminisce, about the old days amd how it used to be, when it only cost a dollar for a movie" Is it one man or a group that sings it? My husband has ben singing this to me since we were in high school and I REALLY want to find out too!

Why is my brother so critical of everything I do?

Though some criticism is legit, other times I get criticized for stupid trivial stuff like the movies and shows I watch or the video games I play. Supposedly I'm nerdy for watching the star wars movie and I'm childish for going back to reminisce and watch a few of dragonballz. I don't get it sometimes. Seems like I everything I do, I'm open for being criticized for and it seems kind of lame to me.

So I REALLY hate myself?

You might not know it now but everything hard you go through now is knowledge to help you be more prepared to do these same things that come along in the future. You will see how school is now and I guarantee you work won't be much different except its more fun/ fulfilling. Just make sure you find a job you like doing. I hated school, dropped out, skateboarded everyday all day & bounced around at crap jobs. Then got into warehouse/ distribution and moved up from the bottom and been in it for 15 years. School and those people I don't even talk to/ think about. You will see that in the next 2-4 years ..... school will be a vast memory. If you made poor choices.... so what if you continue to make the same poor choices ask yourself why your not learning from your mistakes. Its OK and good to make mistakes and fail cause that's how we learn. Its when we don't learn from mistakes and continue to make poor choices that's a problem. But even in the work place, a good company will want you to take chances and learn from the outcome and this is so true in your daily life. Also I still skateboard/ snowboard Never stopped doing what I loved even though when I was younger and in school everyone told me it was a waste/ useless but it taught me so much but I didn't realize it till I was 2-3 years out of school. We all learn everyday.... even I continue to learn and change and make progress everyday. Just push on through/ do what's fun to you & ignore all idiots. If your looking for respect then I think you already know what it takes to be trusted again and this takes time and consistency. Be positive and make smarter choices on a daily basis. That's how you earn trust back.

Do black women find white men attractive? (serious answers)?

Just a warning, a lot of white-washed americans are going to jump on this question and urge you not to date black women. but i say go for it :) there are a lot of black women in my family married/dating white men.

Need to know the name of the song/artist....?

This may be a difficult one to answer....I was surfing YouTube and came across this music video. Wasn't that old, I think it came out this year. I believe the band was either Irish or English. In the video the girl moved to New York from Ireland/England and misses her family very much. And also reminisced about her boyfriend back home. They were also having relationship issues I guess. It sounded like a great song but I was dumb enough to not note the title or the artist.

Question about A/C system on Ford Explorer?

2000 Ford Explorer with the 4.0 and automatic transmission. 140,000 miles. Okay, sometimes the A/C works, and sometimes it doesn't. It first started getting finicky when going down the highway. Acceleration from 40-55 or so would completely kill the A/C system as in it would still blow air but it would be warm. Now it's staring to blow warm air at random. Most of the time it's still cold but just has hick ups where it's warm. When it's cold though, it's cold. I'm having a debate with her stupid uncle because he's saying the system needs to be recharged. I say NO! It's the compressor or the clutch that's going bad. Big Best Answer going out with this one fellas.

I need some help :"( can you help?

im in love with my best friend and i understand and respect that she doesn't feel the same idc as long as she's my friend. Right now were not allowed to talk becuz of her parents becuz of my issues in the past. i used to yell at my friend and made her cry becuz of my jealousy and now it's been 5 months and i had near-death attempts of suicide cuz i just wanted the pain to end cuz i can never forgive myself for what i did to her and she has forgiven me but i can't forgive myself. i hated and cried seeing the pain in her eyes everytime and i still do when i accidently reminisce. i let my anger get to me. she never deserved it andi'm not attention whore i just don't want to lose the close friendship that we've had i mean we used to cuddle on the bus and hug each other everyday. im gonna get to apologize it's just im nervous about doing it cuz i scared her parents as well when they found out about my almost death but an ex friend mentioned it to them and i never wanted that. I'm better than i used to be as in im mor in control with my anger. i just need some advice.

I'm a girl and i have a crush on my friend(who's also a girl).and i am scared.please help.?

i am sixteen years old and i go to an all-girls school.In my school,there's this "culture" of juniors will be having a crush on their seniors or the seniors will be having the juniors as their so called "godsister".I thought that is ridiculous.But last March,i have this little crush on my classmate who's a band member.She cut her hair short and she does looks really cool and guyish.Almost every junior in my school band admire her and giving her this admire letters.And this little crush is getting bigger and bigger when she began to comfort me when i'm down and share her worries with me and also when we joke around and stuff.Furthermore,i have this jealous feeling when i saw her hugging another girl and when she begin to be really close with some other girls and juniors(she had a godsister too).I couldn't stop thinking about her,i will feel really uncomfortable when she's not in school. Some of my friends knew about it.I'm scared that one day she will know my secret and worst of all,i'm scared that i might be a bi.What should i do?I tried to get over it,but she's in the same class with me and i will see her almost everyday.What if she knows i like her?Should i deny it?I really need some advice.

Upper abdominal pain at 33 weeks pregnant?

It's very sore and in the middle about 3-4 inches above my belly button. It started when I went on a walk about half an hour ago and I was bent over double in pain. It kind of feels like a chinese burn or a kick in the guts (not from baby) and has settled a little since sitting, but it's really sensitive to touch. It's coming and going but I don't think it's contractions as it's too high up?? and Braxton hicks aren't meant to hurt this much!!

Genoa City's finest from a few years back. Y&R?

I started watching Y&R 20 years ago. I know that because my beautiful grand-daughter was born and she had trouble for about 6 weeks after her birth. I took off work to be with her and started watching Victor and the gang. Obviously,I got kind of used to watching. Today I'm living with my grown son and he decided the house does not need television,so he cancelled our cable. I'm telling you all of this to let you know how much I appreciate the spoilers and kind folk like you who keep me posted and also remind me of why I've stayed tuned,even if it's only on the computer. In his behalf,he did buy me a 24 inch flat screen monitor. He's a nice kid. Thank you .

Is this a sign that my water is about to break?

Call the doctor and get permission to go to the hospital, better to be there early than have a surprise delivery. Is it your first? Later babies can come very quickly, even firsts if you have the right build. Call NOW.

What is the title: an old Disney movie about a merman?

It was a movie I loved when I was a little kid, early 90's, a disney channel movie about a boy, and when he turns 13 he finds out he's a mermaid? Just reminiscing and wanted to know :) Thanks!

Are These Real Contractions?

I have a tightening feeling in my stomach and the pain is in my lower stomach like period cramps but i can feel it near my belly button and in my back and upper thighs. I tried walking to see if it was Braxton Hicks like my sister told me to if i felt it but it didn't go away. Are these real contractions?

90's Summer feel good song suggestions?

I've been reminiscing on this fine morning of rain and general miserable weather in good old Birmingham, of old summers gone by. How we used to trundle along in our Vauxhall astra in wet, windy weather, with an overpacked trailed bouncing upon the back, singing and laughing, at the excitement of staying in a broken tent for two weeks with nothing but a bucket to sh*t in. Ohh those were the days ;) Anyway, to my question. Those songs we used to sing on the way to our holiday in the late nineties, like 'Brim Full Of Asha' and 'You Get What You Give'. But i'm only 15, so i don't remember them all that well. Any suggestions of similar songs? Thanks dudes and dudettes!

Menstrual cramps being 38 weeks pregnant?

Im just a little over 38 weeks pregnant and I've been having these menstrual like cramps in my lower abdomen at first i didnt think they were Braxton hicks contractions but sometimes when i get these cramps my whole stomach gets hard so now im not so sure. they dont hurt although sometimes they are uncomfortable. My doctor hasnt said what she thinks one way or another she just keeps asking if they are regular.. im really not sure and i would like to know what im looking for...

What do you think of my poem? :D?

Its shallow, generic, long, repetative, melodramatic. What you wrote about sounds like its a smallthing that you blew up in your mind and everybody sees that. The best poems that people like reading are great insights on the meaning of life or true pain ( not a guy being mean and not wanting to be your girlfriend) im sorry if i sound rude because im just expressing my fellingz

Can someone please help me?

im in love with my best friend and i understand and respect that she doesn't feel the same idc as long as she's my friend. Right now were not allowed to talk becuz of her parents becuz of my issues in the past. i used to yell at my friend and made her cry becuz of my jealousy and now it's been 5 months and i had near-death attempts of suicide cuz i just wanted the pain to end cuz i can never forgive myself for what i did to her and she has forgiven me but i can't forgive myself. i hated and cried seeing the pain in her eyes everytime and i still do when i accidently reminisce. i let my anger get to me. she never deserved it andi'm not attention whore i just don't want to lose the close friendship that we've had i mean we used to cuddle on the bus and hug each other everyday. im gonna get to apologize it's just im nervous about doing it cuz i scared her parents as well when they found out about my almost death but an ex friend mentioned it to them and i never wanted that. I'm better than i used to be as in im more in control with my anger. i just need some advice. I HATE MYSELF AND WHAT I DID TO HER

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I want a new rep in school?

All of you in high school know how much your like social life is important right? Okay well i need, not want, NEED, to change my reputation. I am 110% tired of being the funny cute athletic girl who is smart too. Guys are more like my friends but i honestly need to change that. I want to change my image, both mentally and physically...I always wear nice cloths from Hollister Co. Gilly Hicks, etc. and occasionally a skirt on a nice day but i want to change all that. I don't really wear make-up besides some mascara and foundation...I want to be more of a slut. Please anyone who has been made fun of for this please don't take it personally i just want to change my self image and i don't know how else to put it. i was just wondering how to sort of change it around, like an over the summer transformation. I go to the mall a lot so i can pick up new make up there and mabye new cloths? i don't know does anyone have any suggestions? Oh and I'm really outgoing, 5 foot 4 inchs tan, light blond hair with natural highlites, and light brown eyes. and cause like i want to be more like "active" so to speak with guys the only thing I've done with a guy was in my eigth grade year when this kid begged me for a bl*w job...i barly remember it though lol sooooo help?!? thanks and once again please do not take any of this personally! please i don't want to hurt anyones feelings!

Sudden Uncomfortable Pressure in Uterus?

I am 20 weeks. It doesnt happen often but lately once in a while its a sudden feeling of tight pressure which passes quickly. Is this what Braxton Hicks are ? thanks

Poll: Do you think the British Monarchy should be done away with?

I also have severe insomnia. I'm not sure about this, I think it's british tradition but then again it is the 21st century...

Would Miraculous Push Up Bra work on a flat chested person? 10 pts?

Being a man, I can only work on the theory that a push up bra will only work if there is something to push up! Would you not be better with a padded bra?

Question about the Bible/Religion?

What does the bible have to do with people outside of the mideast. Seriously the people of the bible are all around the Middle East, but at that same time other ethnicities with completely different cultures/religions existed, for example the people of the bible never met a Celt or Viking, Aztec, Mayan, or Samurai or ever been in those lands, why/how is the middle east any more importaint than anywhere else.

Did Germaine Greer have any positive impacts on society?

From my research it appears Germaine Greer had many divisive impacts on Australian society, but were there any impacts which actually proved to be cohesive, which brought together Australian society or culture?

What do you think of XXL's top 10 songs from the 90's?

Terrible list. That is tupac's most overrated song ever. That dre song wasn't even that great. Diddy is terrible.

Why does low fat greek yogurt have more sugar than regular greek yogurt?

Theres sugar in milk and cream and maybe even in the culture. Maybe theres more sugar in the low fat one to make it taste better.

Cute reminiscing quotes?

Please help me find a cute quote that talks about the past. Me and this boy used to know each other, last touch of each other and then we saw each other a couple days ago and I used to like him and yeah long story short, i like him again now. I need a quote that talks about the past in a cute way

RHH: Guess the songs?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

My daughter,an adult, was asked for ID in a Rymans shop for buying marker pens?

I know they come in various colours and brands but my question is are some worse than others or are they all equally addictive? Sorry, I haven't lived my whole life in the UK and am still learning the culture and more.

39@2days pregnant, how do I know for sure these are real contractions?

Since just b4 8last night, I have been having quite intense and regular braxton hicks, by 1they were 15mins apart on the nose for over 2hrs, I then went to lie down but fell asleep, when I woke they ranged from 9to13mins apart, so went back to bed to wake another hr later and am still having them but not quite as regular as b4, is it just likely to be a false alarm or is labour just round the corner and if it is can I hurry it along a little anyway? Thanks in advance for any answers!! Am fed up and tired now I just want to know!

Do you realize how much of our culture is pagan?

Birthdays are pagan too. You forgot those. Thats why Jehovas witness are lame and dont celibate them.

Would Miraculous Push Up Bra work on a flat chested person? 10 pts?

the miraculous bra's add a cup size...maybe even 2 cup sizes. They are huge...stuffed thick with padding. Iv tried one on before and it was unrealistically big, unless you already have alot of boobage its going to be hard to get a seemless look since all of your bust will be fake. I would recomend the VS gel curve push up bra's since it works with what you already have instead of fabricating all of will look more natural and since your already small the murasculous bra will not fit well

30 weeks & 6 days pregnant. ?

BH contractions are totally normal. They are "practice contractions" so that your uterine muscles are in shape once the day gets here. However, BH contractions shouldn't be painful or even uncomfortable. If you are feeling pain or discomfort, or if they are happening at regular intervals, you may need to go get checked. Have you tried to call you doctor? Usually at an obgyn office there will be an on call doctor 24-7. Good thing to know as you get closer to birth. Hope this helps. Good luck.

How come hollister only has a canadian site?

so i thought hollister was an american brand? how come when i shop online it only has a canadian website?? im just a tad bit confused... and how come gilly hicks is an american website but abercrombie and fitch is a canadian website ??

Would Miraculous Push Up Bra work on a flat chested person? 10 pts?

If 32aa is too big in one brand, it'll be too big in a different brand. You obviously just dont need a bra yet, get a training one.

Poll: how would you answer these questions about the way you perceive?

Excited. Intrigued( but happy with my own). exceptional. non-art. facts here and now, but do like the unusual. Ms. Was raised overseas and really enjoyed it , have a lot of respect for other cultures.

Anyone remember the cartoon about a man that was a secret agent?

Hey everyone, this might be a stupid question, but does anyone remember the cartoon about a man that was a professional skateboarder, but when he changed his appearance he was also a secret agent along with his friends, the cartoon was probably in 2000, it was also on cartoon network i beleive? My friends and I were reminiscing about old cartoons we used to watch and this is where the question popped up LOL.

Should I go over to comfort my friend or let him be with his friends?

I think that if you know your friend's other friend at all, then you could always go over for the sake of comforting all three of them. After all, even if they do want to reminisce, I'm sure you won't be the only visitor. Yeah, I think you should ask first, maybe. Don't come on too strong to them; be cautious. But basically, try to do it for all three of them, if that's possible.

Would my hypothetical agreements between aliens and humans useable if there was a first alien contact?

What happens when the aliens want to, as you say, "...spread alien religions and languages to earthlings without seriously interfering [with] the earthlings' culture."

I am not attracted to men of my own race?

Well this just shows your a very strong woman. Many men think that they can just take advantage of women, because most women actually are flattered by men being complete as*holes and perverts. Ive been treated this way when I went to another country, and I was absolutely livid. If I were you, Id stand up for myself and flip them off or do something about it. I share your same views, and I hate men taking advantage of women. Stay strong and look for men who are mature and wont expect you to be their mothers either.

What do braxton hicks contractions feel like? i really wanna know how they feel because i think i get them?

at times of the day i can feel my baby move and my stomach gets hard like a bowling ball & i get cramps on my back & on my abdominal are , is this what they feel like ??

34 weeks pregnant and it feels as if I'm having a constant contraction. lol?

I was constipated for like 5 days so 2 days ago I took magneisium citrate to help me go. I stated having contractions later that night and have been having them ever since. I know they are not braxton hicks because they start in my back and wrap around, now my stomach is just hard and feels like a constant contraction.Anyone ever experienced this before? Oh, this is pregnancy #8 and I've never had contractions before my water broke before.

End of the world 2012?

First of all get your facts right people before saying it's all a load of sh1t! This is what EDUCATED people have put forward from the Mayan culture - - Within the Mayan culture they have a callender that has a number of cycles, each cycle represents the start of a group of creatures and the end. In the past at the end of each cycle volcanoes have erupted and there has been earthquakes, but this end of cycle marked the end of all the creatures of one kind of which the cycle belonged too. At the moment we are in the human cycle and our cycle ends at 11:11 21/12/2012 this cycle is rumered to end along with the human race, this CANNOT be interpreted as the end of the world as it is the end of our cycle and us NOT the world! The Maya callender is ROUND implying that the culture does NOT say the "world" will end but only one cycle and the world will continue as normal! Listen and get your facts before saying stuff about it. Any questions? ps. I want your email address if you want a debate

I get a panic attack when I think about my little brother growing up. How do I stop?

Geez, you are crazy. Let the kid grow up for God's sake. Or let it be known that you are the insane sister who follows her little brother everywhere.

Do braxton Hicks cause pain?

BH's can be uncomfortable but shouldn't be painful. Sounds like very very early labor is getting ready to kick off. Go for a walk, go for several- should help speed things up! When the "real" contractions hit- there will be no mistaking those puppies- you won't be able to talk or walk or do anything other then stop and wait for it to pass. Just keep yourself busy in the meantime- ignore them the best you can until you can't anymore... Best wishes!

What was your summer like last year? listen to my summer and tell me about yours?

Well since 2011 summer is coming up i thought i'de see how last years was and reminisce. Mine was terrible and wonderful. Met a lot of people and ended up getting hurt by every one of them, lesson filled summer for sure. burned down a garage on accident, with a 50,000 dollar mustang in it and 4 four wheelers burned down. Smoked weed and cigarettes for the first time. Had my first kiss and lost my virginity, Lots of party's. Concerts, and crazy memories. Felt like an entire lifetime of memories packed into one summer, fell in love. With a few people. Now its been almost a year later! don't talk to anyone that i met that summer, and i met a lot. So... what was your summer like last year?

What are the key differences between Western RPG's & Eastern?

I'm doing an in depth analysis on Video Game Culture for my 'Extended Project Qualification' which will net me an extra AS Level in my last half term of Year 12. I'm answering a series of questions to provide enough content to pad out a 5,000 word essay and I'm hoping that I can find some of the answers I need on here. So, what do you think that the key differences are between Western & Eastern RPG's?

Lots of discomforts and worrying symptoms at 35 weeks?

your contractions should not be very painful if they are not real contractions and the blood thing can be very normal. when is the last time you seen or spoke with your doctor? if you havent since the painful contractions and bleeding i would call.

Question about "To Kill a Mockingbird"?

In chapter 31 as Scout stands on the porch, what does Scout fianlly realize while reminiscing about all of the events that have happend over the course of the novel? And also, how does this connect to Atticus' response to Scout about the character in "The Gray Ghost"?

40 weeks, lost bloody show last night, having braxton hicks 3-6 min apart?!?!?

I'm exactly 2 days from my due date, I lost my "bloody show" last night, about 13 hours ago. And I woke up about an hour ago and I've been having tightening every 3-7 minutes. They arent' painful(maybe a teeny bit) but my stomach gets tight and kinda looks/feels distorted when it tightens. I called the hospital and they said call my OB. What would you do? Does this sound like labor, maybe false labor? Just braxton hicks?

Short term memory loss, clumsiness. what could this be?

For a couple years already my memory has gotten worse and worse. I'm only 21 and i DO NOT take drugs of any kind or drink. People reminisce on things in my teen years that i never remember. Im terrible at telling stories of things that happened even a few hours before. Sometimes i remember my last meal. Many times, i cant remember what i came into a room looking for. I finished high school with great grades and now, i cant remember how to do ANY of the math problems I easily did. This is truly frustrating. A couple months ago it got REALLY bad, i woke up with flu like symptoms and I was extremely clumsy and would stutter or not make any sense in some of my sentences. EVERYTHING i reached out for, i would tip over or drop. That entire week, i was really depressed. Im not sure why i didn't go to the hospital. I am gonna go to the hospital, I missed my appt's a couple times already (because i forgot) but i will go.what could cause this?

Monday, August 8, 2011

I am 35 weeks and been having bad back pain all day it hurts to sit or lay down hard to breath at times?

but havnt had any real contractions just the braks in hicks tighing in the tummy...this is my first babys also been moving so much more the past 2 days please help and give me pointers

I am a muslim girl want to convrt to hinduism?

ya i am a muslim girl.but i like hinduism.there are lots of people think that islam is i dont think so.i think hinduism is best.because all of the hindu people follow their own culture,and spirituality.they r very friendly to other religious muslim hated hinduism.they said hindu people had no sense.they r made their god and destroy him.i told one of ma frnd its not fair to tell that becose everybody have their own is their religios views.i often go to durga puja with my hindu frnd and join their holi.i saw they r very social,there culture and comunity is best.i want to know more abt hinduism.plz tell me wt can i do,.

Can someone who works at Gilly Hicks it another Abercrombie & Fitch store answer this question?

I would prefer someone who works at Gilly Hicks to answer this because it's really a question about that particular store. Why aren't there more locations? I live near some pretty big cities &was hoping they would have a store in at least one of the malls, but there isn't any in my entire STATE. I live in Missouri &out of the 8 states touching us, the nearest one is in Illinois. Do you know anything about why there isn't many stores or if they'll be opening any new ones? Thanks in advance! -J.

How do I break up my mom and her scummy boyfriend?

I am white man and 17 years old and when I was 14 my older sister who was 19 was raped by a group of black men who were racist against white people and were part of some group that admired malcom x,the grand wizard of the black kkk.Ever since then my sister has been a mess and into drugs and goth culture even after the pieces of trash who raped her were thrown into jail.It left an impression on me because I always here about white people being so racist but I live in an area where black and mexican people are the majority and I am always called craker and white boy and blanquito and gringo and the victim of racism.My mom who raised me and my sister alone since my dad died in iraq in 2004 has been going with this black guy and I dont want him around my family.I am not racist but i dont like the idea of 2 people from different races being together.The other night i confronted him and I was like get away from my mom and he got all mad and called me a little white ***** so I called him the n word,not cause I am racist but because I was all mad but my mom got all mad at me cause I said that word but she didnt get mad at her boyfriend for being racist againt me! What the hell do I do man?

What effect do you think Freud's theories continue to have on both psychology and popular culture?

What effect do you think Freud's theories continue to have on both psychology and popular culture? Give at least two examples

Why were the ancient Greeks, creators of Democracy and Western culture, also pedophiles?

The same could be said of the Romans, and the ancient Egyptian. Marrying at a young age was pretty normal back then.

Dont u miss those old high school slasher flicks?

When I saw scream 4, it made me reminisce about the old slasher flicks that I grew up watching in the 90s such as Valentine, urban legend, and I know what you did last summer. Don't u wish they would make more slasher flicks today. What were some of the slasher flicks you guys saw growing up?

Does this mean labour may be near or is it nothing?

It sounds to me like you are having back labor from the pains in your tailbone and lower back. I had horrible back labor and wasn't sure if I was in labor or not. The pain consisted for 4 days off and on and I went to the hospital 4 times before they finally told me I was in true labor bc I couldnt tell. I couldnt feel the labor pains in my uterus because they were so bad in my back. It sounds like you are getting ready to go into labor, time the back pains as you would regular contractions. Good Luck!

31 weeks, and in pain?

I am having this constent pain in my entire stomach. I have had it for an hour its getting worse and its not braxton hicks idk what it is has any one experienced this before?

Will I ever get over this.....?

You will get over it but you need to put yourself out there. Most people carry a special place in their heart for their 1st love but as we get older and find more mature relationships, this will just become a fond memory. You have lots of time to find girlfriends. And don't settle!

Why am I living in the past?

Well I find myself doing stuff I used to do buying old stuff from the 90s especially video games I mean I love to play video games but I also love old 90s computers and other 90s tech I mean I try to live everyday somehow or another as it were the 90s I reminisce a lot about the past also I watch old VHS home movies of me as a kid back then a lot I just put them onto DVDs and if something would happen to them I dont know what I would do I also look at old pictures whats wrong?

Should I be concerned?

I'm 33 weeks pregnant based off my last period(I'm pretty positive I'm at least 35.) The midwives keep commenting how big the baby is when they measure him at my appointments. Everyone keeps saying how big my belly is already too. (his head is also in position) I've been having braxton hicks contractions occasionally during the day when bending over, etc. The night before last I had three extremely painful contractions within a 15 min period while lying down in bed that almost made me want to go to the doctor just to check but they seemed to stop. My midwife said not to worry about the contractions if they stopped. Now all yesterday and today, I threw up once and I've been having bad stomach pains and diarrhea. I just want to make sure I'm not going into premature labor or if I should be concerned. This is my first baby, I'm due Aug 10th and the midwives aren't being very helpful when I ask them things because I haven't reached 35 wks yet

Please help me revise this introduction?

One of the ethnic groups that I am a part of is the English. They are the ethnic group that laid the foundation for American culture as we know it. The English language and common laws that we still follow today originated from the English settlers. Unfortunately, the English treated other immigrants poorly. America continues to strive for complete equality between all ethnic groups.

It still really hurts seeing my ex. I feel so alone in this?

I know how u feel, I feel the same way just got divorce n I can't let him go so very hard. But have to

How can I make myself be passionate about my job?

honestly, the only thing i can suggest is you find a different job. you can't force yourself to love a job you don't like.

I need some emotional advice. How to let go of the past?

if they're like that then they are not friends and you should remember that your going to make great friends wherever you go and you'll always have the good memories wherever you are so just let go of the bad times and the good will always be there :)

Brits: How do you feel About American cultural and political influence?

American pop culture, and power has almost penetrated every market in the world. How do you feel about it? Do you feel like you are losing your nation? With British kids watching American programming, listing to American music, eating/Drinking America foods. With Prom coming to England, and I've even heard that Children are starting to talk in American accent. Do you feel it's a bad thing? Is that a reason why there is anti-Americanism in Europe? Almost every world know British company has been bought by Indian or American corp., do you feel like the media and gov. are giving too much importance and being controlled by America? Thanks.

How do I not sound like such a hick when I talk?

I grew up in a normal neighbor hood. Not on a farm, I live in California in the city. But for some reason people always tell me I sound like a hick from a farm. I have that really boring voice like Bill Lumburg from Office Space. I just hate it. There is no art when I talk what so ever. My voice is just boring to listen to. My vocal cords vibrate when I talk but thats as far as it goes. How do I not sound like such a white trash hick when I talk? I want to have a normal interesting voice like everyone else.

Do online stores accept returns?

So i want to buy something online,but i'm scared the clothes won't fit me.SO,i'm wondering if the stores like (American Eagle,Abercrombie,Gilly Hicks) tale returns online. THANKS!

Would you move to an area mixed with Rednecks and Ethnic White New Yorkers?

By Ethnic White NYers I mean the Italians, Irish, Jews, Polish, Eastern Europeans(Russians, Albanians, Serbians) and Greeks. and Rednecks doesnt mean just south, it means hicks, hillbillies, also found in upstate new york and pennsylvania....

Does real rap even exist anymore?

Most rappers like Kanye and even Lupe started out like they were reviving hip hop but im disappointed with how now there music seems to be more tailored to middle class white people instead of being real. They use pop beats and talk about stuff white suburban kids want to hear. Like when lupe first began he was damn near a muslim militant rapper lol but he toned that down for lasers. And other rappers too seem like there just marketed for middle class listeners. Is hip hop truly dead, or am i just some old school fanatic acting like an old man reminiscing on "the good ol days" lol

Did you find the setting helpful, in 0bama's explanation about unemployment rising ?

Obama is owned and operated by the unions. I guarantee that if Obama does not go to Detroit and pat them on the back every so often the unions will throw their support to some other Democrat. Obama appears to have forgotten that not every American is or wants to be a union worker. The union leadership (not the members) and Obama are bleeding America dry. They are the primary reason jobs go off shore.

PLEASE ANSWER 36 weeks could the baby come?

I'm 36 weeks pregnant yesterday I had soft stools almost diarrhea, one at 8:45am then again at 11:00am and I had not ate at all. After that I had the sensation to go again for a while. Last night also was the first time in months that I felt comfortable having sex, but when we tried his penis could not go in at all. I kept trying to force it in but it would go in for anything. Why is that. Also the baby has dropped and I have a little more discharge than usual. Could the baby come soon? I have never gotten braxton hicks but lately a lot of ligament pain and pelvis pain. Also today I did not eat until 6:30pm but I was not hungry at all like I usually am. How soon could the baby come? I no its silly but tomorrow will be 6/20/2011 that is my mothers birthday and she past away. I would love to have my son on that day but I know the odds are slim.

Is Under Armour becoming the white trash version of Nike?

I really like Under Armour gear when it first came out, but now they can't seem to resist stamping their logo on everything. And who told them to start making those terribad sneakers? All the people who wear this stuff--outside of those athletes who are paid for it--seem to be fat white hicks. Seriously, have you ever seen anyone actually running or playing a sport in those trainers?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I am 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant and I have some concerns?

The past 2-3 days I have had some painful 5min apart braxton hick contractions, I have been nauseated and threw up this morning. My baby girl is still moving around, but sometimes my cervix area gets these painful stings. My due date is in 5 days, but something tells me she might be here sooner. I also was told at the doctors office that if I pass a light brown or pinkish color, that i am dilating. Well then I guess the past 2 days I dilated. I havn't seen it today, but I'm wondering if I'm having what some people call a "slow labor"? Also What does it mean when the cervix area stings like that? I don't have any infections or anything.....

Favorite early 90's rap song?

I know this is a hard question because I have many favorites, but I'm going to have to go with "They Reminisce Over You" by Peter Rock and CL Smooth.


Does anyone know of any good current songs that have that vibe? Looking back at the past. Old relationships or friendships. Any of that good stuff?

French people please?

I am talking to a friend from Quebec, and I was reminiscing with her and I am trying to say "oh how I miss those days" So I just don't want to sound stupid, and say something that doesn't make sense. So, is it alright if I say: "Oh, comme je m'ennuie de ces jours-l�!"

Why would my ex behave like this?

I know you want to be nice and everything but perhaps you should tell the dude to get lost. Especially if you've moved and have a life and emotions to protect (your boyfriend and kids).

Would moving to/going to college in Germany be a good idea?

I just can't see myself being content in the US, I don't like the politics/government here, the culture, most of the people (no offense, I'm sure you're all lovely.) and I've long wanted to move to another country. I'd like to be able to go to a bunch of other countries and see other cultures, and in the US we're kind of isolated... I'm a freshman so I have a lot of time to think about it. I'm a gay atheist, who is considering going into the field of psychology. I have more than enough time to gain at least a basic understanding of the German language before it's time to go to college. I'm a fast learner, and language is my forte. So is Germany a nice place to live? Would I be able to go to college there or would they not even let a foreigner? How is the government there? How expensive would it be to go to college there? Would my degree be accepted in the US? Opinions?

Does anyone else miss the early 2000's?

I was very little in the early 2000's but it seems to me that the music was better, it was more calm in the world kind of, the style was different (jerseys, baggy clothes, etc) and just seems more fun when I reminisce. What do you think?

Explain my friend me?

the lady probably just want some company or is trying to eb a friend!! Well some people can get nervous around others or fond it hard to express their true feelings, so with some friends they can and they fell that they can understand them.. if your curious .. just ask her what she meant by the quotation and the messages!!

What makes this person not let go of the past?

I'm pretty sure EVERYONE have at lease 1 person that they truly can't get over...He probably "think" he love her but the truth is, He just felt sorry for her. Everyone rush to break up with each other so they wouldn't end up being the one who's hurt. Usually the ones who get dumped fall back and think they can't get with that person because they're not good enough or what ever but the truth is...They're to good that's why they get dump..ppl search for love so much that they don't even realize what the meaning of love is anymore...My meaning of love is...SOME ONE WHO LOVE EVERY SECOND OF ME, Not the one who try to break my heart or see me as I'm not good enough! If I were you, I wouldn't worry so much, that's his experience he's gonna need it for the future and it's better not to lack any experience!

Tokyo host family search?

I will be studying in the Tokyo area on a student visa. I decided I wanted to do a homestay because I get to learn more of the culture this way and the prices are considerably cheaper. I need help finding a host family willing to host me for 2 years... Could anyone give any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Why do Americans never grow up?

haha this kinda made me chuckle. No im not offended buuuuuuuut I agree with you and I honestly think that its our culture. Its like, in our blood i dunno. Most of us see it as normal but obviously its not..i spent some time in Europe and people would say the same thing. Its a culture thing and it seems to work for us.

Will i be going into labor any time now?

Well, a week before I went into labour I started getting false labour. That's when you have on and off real contractions, but nothing really happens. I was in the hospital every other night thinking I was in real labour but I wasn't until a week after it all started. The day I had a membrane sweep, my contractions got worse and worse and I lost my mucous plug. Gross... Hahaha it was like, bloody snot. Then after I lost it I had SUPER shap pains in my crotch, I could barely walk. So it seems like it's getting close.

Please help me revise this conclusion?

Even though I am a descendent of English immigrants, I relate more to American mainstream culture than to English culture. American culture has changed from segregating those that are different into incorporating aspects from those different cultures into our everyday lives. We have come to realize that people from all different cultures deserve to be treated with respect and continue to strive for complete equality.

Why is light skin seen as beautiful in every culture other than?

European? My little brother is very pale and has black hair and blue eyes, I think he looks beautiful. I'm pretty pale too and I think i'm attractive. Yet lots of white people want to tan, why? Pale skin is beautiful. Also why do dark people in other cultures want to get lighter? I think dark indians are beautiful, so are dark mexican girls. Only race where I think dark skin looks unattractive is on blacks.

Are Latina women different then American women?

I met this girl I like from South America who came to the US for college. She just looks like a white girl, but does act sort of foreign. She seems to have a fun personality and she gave me her number so I want to hang out with her or ask her out. Anything I should know about how people in South America have a different culture or anythign?

Is this song school appropriate? And what are some poetic elements in the song? HELP!?

this song makes you think about what you would do if you knew you only had one day left on earth the poetic element is your answer to that question

Am I in Labor....Not sure whats going on?

So im 37 weeks pregnant.....It feels like I need to poop about every 20 min or so but when I go to the rest room nothing happens and it goes away. My stomach has been getting tight with the braxton hick contractions a lot and every now and again I have dis comfort in my back. Yesterday i had massive diarrhea so I dont think Im constipated, it just worries me a little because my sister was induced with her first child and never felt one contraction. She had NO epidural or any type of pain meds. I know i just started my nesting thing bc I just cleaned my *** off. What could this be?

Can China beat American pop culture influence?

China is set to over take America militarily and economically in the next couple decades. But I was think about this last night, are we going to lose our cultural influence? I mean American pop culture has penetrated every market, do you see people dropping America influence for Chinese. Are the going to stop watching American movies/TV shows, to watch Chinese programming? Are they going to drop American music to listen to Chinese music? Are they going to drop McDonald, and Starbucks to eat Chinese fast food? Are they going to stop learning and speaking American English, to learn Chinese? Are American corp. going to lose it's influence, from people using Windows, to looking it up on Google, or using Twitter or Facebook? I don't see any of that going away. I think that is a true advantage that America has over china; our cultural and corp. influence. What do you think?

Why can't youths of Indian heritage be themselves?

I'm Indian, so are my parents who are from the Carribean. However I have noticed that a lot of American-born youths of Indo-Carribean (West Indian) or East Indian heritage tend to try to emulate those around them to the point that its so obvious. Although there is nothing wrong with wanting to fit in or admiring a culture or scene that inspires you. However one should appreciate their heritage although they are born here. Although being an American is part of who you are as well.

Questions about A&F's "Gilly Hicks" brand?

I want to order stuff from them online, because I don't have a G.H store near me. So what are their sizes like? I just want to order a hoodie and a few shirts and maybe some underwear. I wear a medium in hoodies at Hollister and an XS in shirts, would I wear those sizes in G.H too?

Am I in labor or are these just braxton-hicks?

I've been getting these pangs of pain only in my lower uterus area, and oddly enough my legs. This has been going on for over an hour and is really starting to I in labor? I thought labor pains were felt all over?

How to deal with my step dad? (kinda long sorry)?

The things you described can be seen as very serious, no the eating part but the forcing himself on you, how old were you? You could try leaving and living with another family member for a while, it may be a drastic change in lifestyle but it could be a way of getting it across to your mum how much you dislike him and she may talk to him. There aren't many things you can do now that he's a part of your life but i'm guessing its only a few years till you can leave home.

Did you find the setting helpful, in 0bama's explanation about unemployment rising ?

Obama is owned and operated by the unions. I guarantee that if Obama does not go to Detroit and pat them on the back every so often the unions will throw their support to some other Democrat. Obama appears to have forgotten that not every American is or wants to be a union worker. The union leadership (not the members) and Obama are bleeding America dry. They are the primary reason jobs go off shore.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Would my hypothetical agreements between aliens and humans useable if there was a first alien contact?

What happens when the aliens want to, as you say, "...spread alien religions and languages to earthlings without seriously interfering [with] the earthlings' culture."

Does anyone know the name of this short film?

The only thing I could think of is I Love You, Man: a href="" rel="nofollow"

Do you think sexual abuse is more common in sexually repressive cultures?

It seems like that to me. Humans have natural impulses, or compulsions. One of those is sexuality. If you restrain those natural impulses, you ultimately end up acting out your frustrations in a harmful manner. Perhaps that involves rape or molestation. One has to think a lot of these rapists and child molesters are a product of our culture's general apprehensiveness on the subject of human sexuality.

Why are there so many crazy people?

Because we're obsessed with moronic celebrities, negative 6 o'clock news, money, sex, liberalism, pimps, thugs, and humiliating virtuous people.

Why ISLAM rose in those region that we view as Muslim majority regions(PAK,AFGHAN,KASHMIR,BAN…

Every religion is to be blamed for it's demise. Be it Islam or Hinduism. Don't you think that a hand full of terrorists are as much to blame for the black name that Islam gets, by killing innocent people the world over. Hindu people harm their own people true, but I have yet to hear of Hindu terrorists destroying important buildings of blowing up planes or planting bombs that kill innocent children and women! So before you generalize, you need to get your facts straight. No single religion is perfect not single civilization is free from taint of evil, including ISLAM! It is sad that a few rotten apples in a barrel, spoil the whole barrel. Islam with it's strict and rigid beliefs, which, dominate and suppress women, and Hindus' with their blind beliefs and traditions which lead to disasters within communities. Oh and maybe you should do some research on Buddhism before speaking out against it, cause for your information, Buddhism is a branch of Hindu religion, just as shia and sunni branches of Islam. So be very sure of your facts before opening your mouth. LIKE I SAID, NO RELIGION IS PERFECT, GOD BELONGS TO EVERYONE OF US, AND WE GIVE GOD NAMES AND TITLES, GOD DID NOT SAY, HE IS ALLAH OR, JESUS, OR ANYTHING ELSE. So lets just love god and each other, because we are all created by him, and the world will be a happier and healthier place, instead of forever arguing, we are better our god is better etc. Do you truly believe there is "their god, and then there is our god" and both are different???? ONE GOD, BUT PLENTY OF NAMES, so call him/her whatever you want and let other choose for themselves.

38 weeks pregnant, is this normal?

Sorry if this is TMI but I was wondering if almost everytime I wiped today there was bloody discharge, is normal? I had an internal exam yesterday but I've never bled before. I am 38 weeks pregnant, have had Braxton Hicks contractions, I'm 4 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and he is positioned at -2.

If my baby was born now would it be okay?

The baby would survive since we have are so technologically advanced, but babies that are born early are at higher risk for many issues. Also, the last thing the baby develops is full functioning lungs. The weeks of 35-42 are the most vital in the lung production. Also, if you were to go into early labor, they have medicine to take to stop contractions (they did this to me but i didn't have any underlying health issues and neither did my baby).

What was your summer like last year? listen to my summer and tell me about yours?

Well since 2011 summer is coming up i thought i'de see how last years was and reminisce. Mine was terrible and wonderful. Met a lot of people and ended up getting hurt by every one of them, lesson filled summer for sure. burned down a garage on accident, with a 50,000 dollar mustang in it and 4 four wheelers burned down. Smoked weed and cigarettes for the first time. Had my first kiss and lost my virginity, Lots of party's. Concerts, and crazy memories. Felt like an entire lifetime of memories packed into one summer, fell in love. With a few people. Now its been almost a year later! don't talk to anyone that i met that summer, and i met a lot. So... what was your summer like last year?

My mom wont let me wear things that say love???wtf?

she thinks that love means boyfriend and girlfriend stuff and she thinks thats bad. I can wear things that say "LOVE PINK" or "GILLY HICKS LOVE" but things that say love i cant wear them. is this ridiculos or what? what should i do to convince her? im 13 btw

What is the name of the "My Milkshake" parody That goes my mullet brings all the hicks to the bar?

THe part i heard said "My mullet brings all the hicks to the bar my mullet is longer than ur's damn rite i drink pbr my trucks on blocks in my front yard 2x i got a beer gut i drunk all i can 2day i emptied the keg

30 weeks and some contractions every day, does this happen to you?

It started at 29 weeks but I have contractions like almost everyday some with pain and some that are just braxton hicks. I went to the doctor last week and he says at this point in pregnancy it's normal to feel these. I just think it's so weird that I have them everyday. They don't get worse, just stay the same, and eventually go away. I also have crampiness throughout the day. Do any of you have this going on with you at this point in your pregnancy? Thanks!!! Oh and I see my doctor again this Thursday so we'll see what he says...and also last week this other doctor checked my cervix and it's completely closed and thick...which is good :)

Is Star Trek satanic?

No. If you actually knew anything about Gene Roddenberry, the man who created Star Trek, you would know that he envisioned a world without bigotry, greed, and violence. His idea - as it was seen on screen didn't always come off, due to script problems - but at least the tried to show us that a better world was possible. He was a good man. RIP, Gene.

Would you take the job at gilly hicks?

gilly hicks (abercrombie lingerie) offered me $130 to stand in front of their store in jeans and shirtless greeting people for 5 hours. Would you take the job or feel uncomfortable especially about seeing people you know...?

My dad died and I can't cry?

I was never very close to my dad, he had his share of problems. My mom always tells me of a story when I was about 4-5 he beat my mom and I got the phone and called 911 and I said "don't hurt mommy" to him, but he took the phone and smacked my mom over the head with it. Idk if that traumatized me but I've always had fear when around my dad and me and my mom are very close. I still love him, but I haven't shed a tear yet, I had watery eyes and have been reminiscing about him in my brothers, sisters, grandparents, and mom are all crying their eyes out...he overdosed on heroin and pills I hear.

Could my baby have dropped already, or what do you think about this...?

U could be in labor early but startin slow sounds as if u contracting but since this ur first u could be 1cm for days or wks when u go 2moorrow ur dr should check u n u either go to l&d or be send home till the pains come more stronger

Is it normal for the hurt from a past relationship to linger even when you've found someone new?

A few months ago, I was hurt the worst I've ever been by a guy, and the bad ending took its toll on me. I got to the point where I didn't trust anyone and couldn't get the situation out of my head. Much to my surprise, I eventually learned to trust someone again, my current boyfriend. He was the first one to change my negative feelings, and I felt that I had completely moved on to him. We've been together for a month or two, and things have been great so far. but recently I've had a fresh wave of hurt from my past come up. I don't know how or why, but I've been feeling listless and vulnerable like I did during the recovery process after my last relationship. I flinch when people mention him, I get shaky when he's in the same room as me, I randomly reminisce (which never ends well). I haven't talked to anyone about this because I find it all silly and unnecessary, I have a great guy now who is nothing like the last one. So why is this happening? Is it normal considering the past is still relatively fresh?

Ladies, do you appreciate a man who reminisces a lot....?

recollecting those events of the past, those "firsts" that you shared together....? or is it a turn off...?

Are Latina women different then American women?

I met this girl I like from South America who came to the US for college. She just looks like a white girl, but does act sort of foreign. She seems to have a fun personality and she gave me her number so I want to hang out with her or ask her out. Anything I should know about how people in South America have a different culture or anythign?

A month without talking, my ex texts and calls me the other day?

Yeah I definatly think she misses you, and you should give her a call or a text and just talk with her.

Please read it all before you comment on pregnancy pains?

I am 23 weeks pregnant and I know its about time i feel braxton hicks contractions but i want to explain what i am feeling. Today i doubled over in pain twice for about 5 minutes. I sat in the hall way for a few minutes and let the pain slowly fade it brought tears to my eyes. The pain was down under my left hip bone and went down through my thigh a little, I thought it was my ovaries causing the pain but i don't think so now. Later on that day I felt the same pain but not as intense on my right side passed my ovary and down my thigh a little, same as the left earlier that day. Honestly i think my baby may have kicked me or pulled or tugged on something because she does sit pretty low sometimes and hours before that pain i did feel her pretty low on the right side. Other then that i have just felt minor achs and pains gradually through out the day. Some i didn't really notice and others really caught me off gaurd. I was just sitting on the couch feeling fine and had a sharp pain "down there" It was sort of a stinging pain and happend 3 times in a row then stopped. Now i am just cramping a little. I feel fine, I can walk around fine and im not in alot of pain but i have been feeling pain alot today and it even goes down through my thighs and when it's in my pelvic area it feels like mild or soft cramps... Other then this pain it has been a pretty normal day i have went about it doing what i usually do with no problems. This has been going on for about four days now and I will say today has been the most active intense pain. My appointment is on the 27th of this month but i am wondeirng if i should go ahead and call my doctor? When do i need to worry?

I fall in love with my best friend?

Hello my love, for you in this behavior does not show and you are in love with boyfriend's best friend who value you, the person you fall in love with your heart and give all your love and I knew the world's most elegant, most sweet, wonderful and extraordinary beautiful woman you're wonderful and I adore you sweetheart.

If I wanted to export crocodile meat what countries would be the biggest market? Which cultures eat it?

I'm looking for big markets where they would eat Nile crocodile meat. I.e. are there any cultures/parts of China or Asia that would be good to look into?

Emotional Lyrics for me - Please Read?

I think its sooo good. I dnt no what santa man was chattin bout?? Lol but yeah gr8 lyrics ur talented! X

"Reminiscing" a strange Father's Day write, do you prefer fact or fiction?

I prefer fact so unbelievable, you'd think it were fiction. And I really like this poem. Makes me sad but also makes me go "hmmmmmmmm"

What does it mean when...?

Well, I think, this is just my opinion, it probably means that he's missing you, but he doesn't want to be with you. He broke up with you and still rejected you four months ago. If he wants to be with you, he'll show it. I think he was just talking crap. If he's reminiscing then it probably means he just wants to relive what was once there without getting back together. :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Are the clothes from 5 7 9 good quality clothes?

Not really good quality, one of those things you wear a couple of times and throw away. I like shopoibg at Papaya or Charlotte Russe, similar style to forever 21

Emotional Lyrics for me - Please Read?

Work on rhyme structure, syllables, also try to listen to a wide variety of rappers to learn from the greatest in the game which is opposing to Cudi etc.

Are these signs of labor on its way ?

Im 37 weeks pregnant and my baby keeps tightening up like braxton hicks contractions. Very uncomfortable. My back is aching and hurting and there is alot of pressure on my lower half causing me to pee every 5 minutes!! I have discharge also but i think its normal. Does this mean labor soon? My baby is back to back also so how I can I help her change position before the big day?

Do you believe short lived relationships can still make an impact on you? What is your sign..?

i had a short 4 months relationship with a leo, then a few other short months relationship and then last relationship was with a pisce that lasted slightly less than a yr....up till now i still considered the leo relationship as the deepest and most memorable one....its all about how deep that relationship was..., some relationships may be too cliche too boring too not exciting while other ones were so deep so emotionally drawn into it that may eventually impact the way u think about "love" and concept of i say a short lived ones that was very deep could definitely impact u. I gotta say, u leo girls make cancer dudes feel DEEP about y'all, y'all lions are crazzzzzay!

Why do so many white people want to be black?

Ok ur dating someone who is black but that Doesn't mean u have to change who u r :: such as always wanting to do hinges that apply to the black culture :: u look like ur trying to hard be your self :: this is the reason y black people get mad

Anyone know the name of this song?

There is a song from 2006/2007 about a guy reminiscing about his childhood. In the video, he was sitting in front of the TV.

I think I may be bisexual - PLEASE READ ALL DETAILS?

Your sexuality is something that you discover and grow into. It can be a fluid thing, one day you might be more attracted to men, and the other women. You are who you are, why do you need a label to say whether you are straight, bisexual or gay/lesbian? Who you are attracted to is your business, you don't need to tell everyone unless you want to. If someone asks you about it, say "Why do you care, it won't affect you in anyway, and I am still the same person. I doesn't concern you at all" You shouldn't worry about it. When you meet someone who you have feeling for and really click with, you will know.

I am obsessing over eye contact !!! help!!?

No, generally, when I talk to someone or when they talk to me we don't sustain eye contact continually. Usually, I'm doing something when I'm talking, for instance, eating a meal (don't talk with your mouth full). It kind of depends on who you are talking with. In casual conversation you don't hold eye contact continually or it's like staring someone down (confrontational). It could also be interpreted as being forward (showing too much interest, too early, romantically speaking), Of course if you are being an outrageous flirt and it is being well received then, go for it. Sustained direct eye contact with teachers or bosses could be interpreted as wrapped attention, which is respectful.

Could this be labor or braxton hicks?

I'm 35 weeks pregnant. and i've been having some back pain today, i thought it was braxton hicks so i sat on the couch with my feet up for the past hour. i'm still having mild back pain and some small pain on my right side in my lower tummy. how will i know if this could be real labor or not?

Traveling The World And Working Random Jobs...?

Not practical anymore. The papers required take forever to obtain and most countries forbid tourists to work.

Homophobic Home- Help Keep the Peace?

OMG ITS OSOMOSIS JONES!!! :D I saw a film in science the other day but anyway. dont worry to much about it yet i think life for gay or bi people as teens extremley difficult if everyone knows their gay or bi so i wouldnt come out yet.

What's wrong with our daughter?

well you mentioned that she had sad and troubling events in her past, maybe these are bad enough to make her act like this. it could be that she is just looking for attention, like when she exhales loudly and claims nothing is wrong, when she lashes out at others for nothing or the dramatic change into the "gothic culture". part of this might just be teen angst, like when she is asked to do simple chores and complains. i would suggest that you confront her about her behavior. be kind and understanding to what she says but also be strict and don't let her drop the subject or push you away. she might need to see a counselor to just discuss her problems so she doesn't take it out on everybody.

What are signs of early labor?

Ive been feeling alot of things. I never had menstrual cramps so idk what contractions are suppose to feel like or if i have felt the braxton hicks contractions. i am 34 weeks pregnant and jus curious

Why would my ex behave like this?

I know you want to be nice and everything but perhaps you should tell the dude to get lost. Especially if you've moved and have a life and emotions to protect (your boyfriend and kids).

Is Under Armour becoming the white trash version of Nike?

I really like Under Armour gear when it first came out, but now they can't seem to resist stamping their logo on everything. And who told them to start making those terribad sneakers? All the people who wear this stuff--outside of those athletes who are paid for it--seem to be fat white hicks. Seriously, have you ever seen anyone actually running or playing a sport in those trainers?

Why is my brother so critical of everything I do?

Though some criticism is legit, other times I get criticized for stupid trivial stuff like the movies and shows I watch or the video games I play. Supposedly I'm nerdy for watching the star wars movie and I'm childish for going back to reminisce and watch a few of dragonballz. I don't get it sometimes. Seems like I everything I do, I'm open for being criticized for and it seems kind of lame to me.

How do I stop feeling so anxious today about my long distance relationship?

My long distance relationship of 5 months has been magical. We are older and have mutual friends and reminisce a lot about the past/ He is in love with me and we get along great. The problem is, there is no end in sight at the moment. He feels like my career is taking off here and doesn't want me to give it up, and isn't sure where he will be living after gradschool and doesn't want to drag me somewhere where I'm not happy, but he says he doesn't want to live without me. I would be happy to move ot him, but it's too soon to even talk about that. Anyway, I was with him for 2 weeks, and we had good talks, some tears about these qestions, but mostly wonderful love. He says he loves me more now than ever. He says he wants to build this relationship and make it strong, that we can't make heavy decisions just yet. The thing is, I feel like I need a plan for the future, a date, and a promise that we will live together in a year's time. I feel so unsteady today, being away from him and relying on texts and calls again, and for the last 2 days I feel like he isn't initiating our talks like he normally does. It's hard to go back to this after 2 weeks of being in the same house and feeling so good about it.I feel like giving up, but he is the best boyfriend I've ever had. What do I do? The thought of longing and wondering is getting to me in a major way?

Why does my 10 month old always have a bacterial infection ?

For the last two months my now 10 month old son has been having issues with his right side of his face. It first looked like a rash. Then it didn't go away. So we went to the dermatologist she said he had eczema and took a culture of his face. 5 days later it came back as a bacterial infection. She called in an antibiotic to help to go away. It went away. Then three weeks later he gets it again. Bacterial infection was cultured again and it came positive again. He was on another antibiotic. Thought it was gone. Now it came back 6 different times. 6 different antibiotics and it goes away and comes back. Cultures say there is none after the infections gone. Why does it keep coming back?

Whats the different values between black women and white women.?

Growing up i lived many places with many different cultures. ive had black, mexican, jamaican and korean friends. as i got older and up until today i realize that black girls are raised much differently than white girls. If any of you out there are a black female please reply with the morals and values you were raised with and what you feel sets white and black females apart. Be honest and open. i Appreciate real opinions. I always wanted to understand this at a personal outlook. thanks !

Was that the show or am l off the mark?

That is your body preparing for labor. It doesn't necessarily mean labor will be soon tho....I know that sucks to hear but sometimes that's just how it is.

When do you think I'll go into labor?

Weekly I've progressed, from 1 cm dilated, to now 3 cm dilated and I'm 70% effaced! Lots of braxton hicks contractions. I'm hoping it's coming soon. Just looking for other peoples experiences who we're progressing weekly. Thank you!

Microbiology Dilution?

Suppose you were given a tube containing 10 ml of frozen Staphylococcus epidermidis culture known to contain 4.5 x 105 bacteria/ml. You were told to thaw it by heating at 70�C for 20 min, and then prepare a 10-4 dilution. How many colonies do you expect to find on the plate?

Any other pregnant women have this issue (TMI not for kids)?

I too am 28 weeks pregnant and i get braxton hicks during pregnancy and after orgasm. I too get pains in my JJ area and am very uncomfortable the entire time. As for how many contractions you are having i don't think that is good. My doctor told me to start timing mine because i get them so often. He said if they are at least 10mins apart then i need to call immediately! Yours seem very close together so i would def tell your doctor about them.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Does anyone know the name of this short film?

The only thing I could think of is I Love You, Man: a href="" rel="nofollow"

What effect do you think Freud's theories continue to have on both psychology and popular culture?

What effect do you think Freud's theories continue to have on both psychology and popular culture? Give at least two examples

30 weeks regnant and very sore- is this normal?

So i am now 30 weeks pregnant and in the past week or so i have been getting aches all over my belly/ lower back/ bottom and even a dull ache with a few sharp shooting pains in my vagina (sorry TMI) has anyone experienced this or know what its from... i dont remember having this with my first pregnancy and im worried i may be over doing things- i am also getting Braxton hicks contractions a few times a day at least....

I have a question about online racists, do you think they live in progressive areas or hick areas?

Like online racists who post so much hatred towards all backgrounds and stuff. Do you think most of these people live in places like NYC, Boston, California, and Chicago or do you think these people live in Kentucky, Alabama, and a lot of the backward states?

Poll: When was the last time you were grateful for the rights you have?

Someone I know was telling me about the country she was born in (Malaysia). After she talked about the food, language, culture and stuff she moved on to the religion. The countries religion is Islam (not uncommon), she told me about how their was that call to prayer thing every morning...and she also mentioned it was illegal to convert someone to another religion in that country. I was so surprised, and I was suddenly very thankful that I am even granted rights at all. We have it so (physically) easy here.

36 weeks pregnant, lost mucus.?

So about 3 weeks ago I went to the doctor and was dilated a fingertip. I had lots of braxton hicks the next couple weeks and at my next check up I was 1 cm. The baby dropped and she could feel the head and said my cervix had thinned. I've had more bhc and menstrual cramps. I am 36 weeks today and lost 2 chunks of what looked like snot the size of quarters. No blood in it. Is that my mucus plug? And if so how big is it supposed to be? Wondering if I just lost a part of it. How long after loosing ur mucus plug did you go into labor? I have had a preterm labor 5 years ago at 5 months and a half so I've never went through this before.

Hi. So theres this woman Im interested in and?

Well she knows me for a while and I know her too but I never thought of ever getting together at all. Anyways she was in a relationship once and from there a baby girl sprouted from. However complications arised from her man in the past and there were a lot of discussions and heart break. Pfff I dont wanna go into that. Anyways shes a single mother and Im 27 years of age. I got a job and all but bad news is that Ill be most probably leavin the country soon in a couple of months and dont want to start somethin that can be interrupted. But Im really interested in her but Ive even asked my mother for advice seeing that she also knows her and all and she said shed be alright however startin a relationship with a single mother can be hard not because of her but because of the psychological problems it can arise in the child. You know with havin a step dad and a real dad and the child feeling negleted. I suppose Im just stressin over somethin which is unknown. But still Im really interested in theis woman and she actually has shown a certain degree of some interest. In my culture is also costum that we kiss the woman when we greet you know like a cheek 1. But with her its like a slight slower 1 in the area between her cheeks and her lips. Well I just wanna hear some tips on how to approach her and also can you guys say wether its worth it to start anythin given the situation that Ill be leaving? I suppose she could come but I have no idea of what her plans are for the future. Thanks guys.

What does reminiscing mean?

It means remembering. Reminiscing about the old days. Remembering the old times. Get what I mean? :)

Braxton Hicks? or just paranoia?

It's fireworks day today and all night my stomach has really been hurting. I'm 36 weeks pregnant. I havent had a very complicated pregnancy but the pain is becoming unbearable. I dont remember much from my first pregnancy so any help would be appreciated please :)

Need this translated into French?

Corsica est un ile sur la mediterranean. Il est situ� a la ouest d'Italie et il est plus proche d'Italie que la France.

40 weeks lost mucus plug 3 hrs ago... no change in contraction?...?

So I'm 40 weeks tomorrow and today I lost my full mucus plug, don't they say labor usually starts within 24 hours since I'm now due? I lost bits and pieces at 37 weeks but I know the plug can rebuild itself... but now that I'm 40 weeks I doubt that will happen right? There was no blood or streaks in the plug... just mucus. At full term when you lost your plug, how long until your labor started? And do I HAVE to have bloody show also? I've been having cramping and braxton hicks (nothing new though)... THANKS!

Can our lost love come back to us?

A few years ago I was dating pretty much the love of my life (that is as far as i know obviously). We lost touch when he moved away and I got a new phone number. Recently, I found him on facebook and added him. Today he accepted and we talked for about an hour, reminiscing on old times and he even mentioned that he really misses me. However, he revealed that he is with another girl and she is "the best thing that's ever happened" to him. He did ask for my number and asked if we could chat sometime. My question is, is it possible the feelings we had can respark? Or am I just living in a daydream?

Help! I cant remeber this movie title and i really want to buy it!?

Ok so theres this movie and i think it was out around christmas time and its about this small town hick girl that leaves goes to the city and comes back. she ends up falling in love with high school sweethart (again) i think and then they save the fire station by making a mens firefighter calander? Can anyone tell me the title of this movie??? Please and Thank You!

Based on your lifestyle will you be part of the reminisce who survive the coming of Armageddon.?

Funny you should phrase your thoughts that way, seeing as how we are currently in Judgment Day. You would know that, if you weren't so determined to believe metaphorical passages as being literal.

China has a long history of attempting fundamental reforms only to wind up with yet another centralized govern?

China has a long history of attempting fundamental reforms only to wind up with yet another centralized government dominating the masses. What does this tell us about the socciety, values, and culture of the country?