Saturday, August 6, 2011

Please read it all before you comment on pregnancy pains?

I am 23 weeks pregnant and I know its about time i feel braxton hicks contractions but i want to explain what i am feeling. Today i doubled over in pain twice for about 5 minutes. I sat in the hall way for a few minutes and let the pain slowly fade it brought tears to my eyes. The pain was down under my left hip bone and went down through my thigh a little, I thought it was my ovaries causing the pain but i don't think so now. Later on that day I felt the same pain but not as intense on my right side passed my ovary and down my thigh a little, same as the left earlier that day. Honestly i think my baby may have kicked me or pulled or tugged on something because she does sit pretty low sometimes and hours before that pain i did feel her pretty low on the right side. Other then that i have just felt minor achs and pains gradually through out the day. Some i didn't really notice and others really caught me off gaurd. I was just sitting on the couch feeling fine and had a sharp pain "down there" It was sort of a stinging pain and happend 3 times in a row then stopped. Now i am just cramping a little. I feel fine, I can walk around fine and im not in alot of pain but i have been feeling pain alot today and it even goes down through my thighs and when it's in my pelvic area it feels like mild or soft cramps... Other then this pain it has been a pretty normal day i have went about it doing what i usually do with no problems. This has been going on for about four days now and I will say today has been the most active intense pain. My appointment is on the 27th of this month but i am wondeirng if i should go ahead and call my doctor? When do i need to worry?

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