Thursday, August 11, 2011

Does no contractions at 37 1/2 weeks mean a late delivery?

I'm 37 1/2 weeks pregnant and besides one or two braxton hicks contractions (completely pain free) over the last week or two I haven't had any contractions. It's been a very easy pregnancy, no morning sickness, no swelling, very little weight gain (it looks like a bball under my shirt!), etc. so I'm wondering if that is a factor. I also don't know if I've dropped yet, it feels like it because I can feel him lower and I can tell a difference in my belly, but people are always commenting that I haven't dropped yet and they say that's usually 3-4 weeks before delivery. I'm due July 14, only 2 1/2 weeks away, but does all this mean I'm probably going to deliver late? I'm just curious

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