Thursday, August 11, 2011

What is the likely hood of me going into labor sometime this week?

Today i turned 37 weeks and about a week ago i was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced, haven't been checked since. I have been having some cramping on and off, braxton hicks has become more frequent and stronger, been having to poop a lot (sorry to much info), baby has dropped a bit, lost my mucus plug a few weeks ago gradually, and had a bloody show about a week ago. Also been having some pelvic pressure and sometimes it feels like my tailbone is bruised and hurts to walk at times. I have been feeling very exhausted like i haven't slept in days even though i have been getting a lot of sleep. I also been having sharp stabbing pains in my cervix area as well as pressure. How likely do you think i will go into labor sometime this week or weekend? this is my 2nd baby. Thanks for your input!

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