Thursday, August 11, 2011

Am I going into labor?

I'm a few days from my due date. I've been one of those women who has dealt with prodromal labor for the last 4 weeks. Mostly the contractions that I have felt have been like painful braxton hicks. I woke up early this morning feeling cramping from my back around to the front of my belly. They were 7 mins a part for about 2 hours and for the most part HURT to the point I couldn't talk. I was somehow able to go back to sleep. I've just woken up and my body feels crazy. I feel like something has definitely changed in there. Loads of pressure and just an uneasiness.... I lost a little of my mucus plug a few weeks back. My Dr. is old school and doesn't check me, but when I went to the hospital about 2+ weeks ago thinking I was in labor, the nurse said I was 1.5 cm and 50% effaced. She also said the baby was at -2 station...but I think the baby moves a lot. He/She certainly feels VERY low right now. This is my second baby, by the way. I never had any this with my first. She was a week late with no signs of labor at all. I was induced. So what is going on with my body! I'm so confused between false and real labor. I know that if it's real labor then the contractions are consistant. I just can't get over how painful these last ones were and how they can just stop themselves. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated! Thanks!

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