Thursday, August 11, 2011

I have a serious problem?

I don't know if this is a really serious psychological problem or if it's just my imagination, but, it feels like I was born as the wrong person; the person I am and the people around me are ignorant, I don't mean to sound big headed but I always feel like I'm more intelligent than everyone, I get the best grades at school, I have never revised in my life. My psychological problem lies in that of my music; everytime I listen to a song, I long to be free, but I am caved in to this little city, I live in London, but I so long to be out in the orchards by myself, just smoking a joint and relaxing, just taking in nature. I was born to be with nature. I listen to pink Floyd's "Learning to fly" and I am angry that I cannot learn to fly, I am caved into my own little world and NOBODY understands me, I listen to the clash's "Lost in the supermarket" and I long to be lost in a forest, in nature, and never be found. This is unachievable for I am caved in a small city where nobody knows what life is. Nobody understands what life is, I don't know if this is some deep psychological problem of mine; I just long to be away from everything, I hate everything; I don't wish to live like this. I want to be out in the wild, alone, left to just survive. I want to just be born 40 years ago, and I'm so angry I was not alive to see Kurt Cobain and Layne Staley and Syd Barrett and every great musician and every great legend. I am filled with rage when I my concious tells me I am nobody and that's what I am, that's who I am. I am a nobody, I often reminisce with songs from the smiths, because their darkness often portrays my life. I want to be free, but I cannot break this chain. My parents do not understand me, I do not want to work, I do not want to be a mindless puppet, I just want out of this. How come I wasn't born as that musicians son in '69 but I am a lonely 15 year old which nobody understands. This is not a phase, this is my life. This is how it's always been, can somebody please tell me what to do? Can you tell me if this is a deep psychological problem or if I can actually piece together who I am..?

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