Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Labour? soon, now or just hoping lol?

hi all just a quick question regarding some goings on over the last few days, im currently 37w 4d preg and have been experiencing some pretty nasty goings on when using the loo, basically everything i have ate throughout the day has gone straight through me and been very watery TMI, the last week bowel movements have been looser but not to this extent, i have had tummy cramping on and off for the past few weeks which i was informed was braxton hicks, and last night had some pinky blood a few times when i wiped (again TMI) i went into hosp last night due to right sided abdo pain (which they couldn't decide what it was so sent me home) and after having an internal exam i was informed that my cervix has gone, 2 Dr's and a lot of moving and uncomfortableness for a good 15 Min's of looking, anyways im now getting lower abdo cramps again with stabbing like sensations coming and going, the hosp im going to isnt very friendly if u ring more than once ur whole pregnancy (which has been the case with all hosp roind here as of late) so i dont want to ring if nothing is wrong, any ideas anyone?

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