Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why ISLAM rose in those region that we view as Muslim majority regions(PAK,AFGHAN,KASHMIR,BAN…

Every religion is to be blamed for it's demise. Be it Islam or Hinduism. Don't you think that a hand full of terrorists are as much to blame for the black name that Islam gets, by killing innocent people the world over. Hindu people harm their own people true, but I have yet to hear of Hindu terrorists destroying important buildings of blowing up planes or planting bombs that kill innocent children and women! So before you generalize, you need to get your facts straight. No single religion is perfect not single civilization is free from taint of evil, including ISLAM! It is sad that a few rotten apples in a barrel, spoil the whole barrel. Islam with it's strict and rigid beliefs, which, dominate and suppress women, and Hindus' with their blind beliefs and traditions which lead to disasters within communities. Oh and maybe you should do some research on Buddhism before speaking out against it, cause for your information, Buddhism is a branch of Hindu religion, just as shia and sunni branches of Islam. So be very sure of your facts before opening your mouth. LIKE I SAID, NO RELIGION IS PERFECT, GOD BELONGS TO EVERYONE OF US, AND WE GIVE GOD NAMES AND TITLES, GOD DID NOT SAY, HE IS ALLAH OR, JESUS, OR ANYTHING ELSE. So lets just love god and each other, because we are all created by him, and the world will be a happier and healthier place, instead of forever arguing, we are better our god is better etc. Do you truly believe there is "their god, and then there is our god" and both are different???? ONE GOD, BUT PLENTY OF NAMES, so call him/her whatever you want and let other choose for themselves.

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