Thursday, August 4, 2011

36 weeks pregnant, lost mucus.?

So about 3 weeks ago I went to the doctor and was dilated a fingertip. I had lots of braxton hicks the next couple weeks and at my next check up I was 1 cm. The baby dropped and she could feel the head and said my cervix had thinned. I've had more bhc and menstrual cramps. I am 36 weeks today and lost 2 chunks of what looked like snot the size of quarters. No blood in it. Is that my mucus plug? And if so how big is it supposed to be? Wondering if I just lost a part of it. How long after loosing ur mucus plug did you go into labor? I have had a preterm labor 5 years ago at 5 months and a half so I've never went through this before.

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