Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What does "Bloody Show" Look like in early labor?

I am 40 Weeks and 5 Days Overdue, This morning I had a braxton hicks contraction and i felt a little gush come out, when i went to look when i went to the bathroom and it looked like a gush of blood almost like on your period but it filled up the whole center of my panty liner. Ive been reading online that a bloody show is more like mucous with a tinged blood color but mine was like period blood, im not bleeding like that anymore was just that time but I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced blood like that, and if that means im in the early stage of labor. I am contacting every 10 to 15 minutes but its irregular as of right now. Called my dr.s office all i got was the nurse they said it was probably just my bloody show to start timing my contractions. So thats what im doing til i can call again, theyre on lunch so i have to wait :(

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